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About Our Classes

Here is where you can find out about urbantrix academy a understand what we do in each class and what we cover. 

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Students will learn to overcome obstacles in a creative and efficient way. Students will also learn acrobatics ranging in difficulty. Our sylibus is broken down into 6 levels, each level will have specified completion and safety requirements to ensure students well being. 




Tricking is an extreme form of Acrobatic movement origally derived from Martial Arts kicking that evolved from sport karate competitors in the mid 90′s taking their high flying kicks to the next level. The world of tricking now influences gymnastics, street dance, breakdancing, parkour, taekwondo.


Children ages 7 & up will learn flips, kicks & twists that defy gravity in our flipping & tricking class. No previous experience is necessary.

Creative Martial Arts


CMX stands for Creative, Musical and Extreme. together they form freestyle martial arts forms. Taking traditional movements and incorporating stunt like movements creates an exceptional spectacle that has been growing interest worldwide.


Tournaments across the world have added multiple CMX divisions to their events and the growing need for stunt actors has made Extreme Martial Arts a staple in what we provide that puts us above and beyond everyone else.

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